Family Disaster Supplies Calendar

Week 1
Grocery Store

o 1 gal. water *

o 1 sm jar peanut butter*

o 1 lrg can juice*

o 1 can meat*

o hand-operated can opener

o instant coffee, tea, powdered soft drinks

o permanent marking pen

o 1 gallon of water per pet

Week 2
Hardware Store

o Crescent wrench

o Heavy rope

o Duct tape

o 2 flashlights with batteries

o “bungee” cords

Week 3
Grocery Store

o 1 gal. water *

o 1 can fruit*

o 1 can meat*

o sanitary napkins

o video tape

o 1 gallon of water per pet

Week 4
Hardware Store

o Plumber’s tape

o Crowbar

o Smoke detector with battery

Week 5
Grocery Store

o 1 gal. water *

o 1 can fruit*

o 1 can meat*

o 1 can vegetables*

o 2 rolls toilet paper*

o extra toothbrush*

o travel size toothpaste

Week 6
First Aid Supplies

o Aspirin and/or acetaminophen

o Compresses

o Rolls of gauze or bandages

o First aid tape

o Adhesive bandages- assorted sizes

Also: pet food, diapers and/or baby food if needed.
To Do:
Also: a leash or carrier for your pet, if needed.
To Do:
Also: pet food, diapers and/or baby food if needed.
To Do:
Also: extra medications or a prescription marked “emergency use” if needed.
To Do:
Also: special food for special diets, if needed.
To Do:
Also: extra hearing aid batteries, if needed.

To Do:

o Make a family plan

o Date each perishable food item using marking pen.
o Check your house for hazards. Secure loose objects that may fly.

o Locate your gas meter and water shutoffs and attach a wrench near them for emergency use.
o Use a video camera to tape the contents of your home for insurance purposes.

o Store tape with friend/family member who lives out of town.
o Install or test your smoke detector.

o Tie water heater to wall studs using plumber’s tape.
o Have a fire drill at home.
o Check with your child’s day care or school to find out about their disaster plans.

Week 7
Grocery Store

o 1 gal. water *

o 1 can ready to eat soup*

o 1 can fruit*

o 1 can vegetables*

Week 8
First Aid Supplies

o Scissors

o Tweezers

o Antiseptic

o Thermometer

o Liquid hand soap

o Disposable hand wipes

o Sewing kit

Week 9
Grocery Store

o 1 can ready to eat soup*

o Liquid dish soap

o Plain liquid bleach

o Heavy duty garbage bags

Week 10
Hardware Store

o Waterproof portable plastic container (with lid) for important papers

o Portable am/fm radio (with batteries)

Week 11
Grocery Store

o 1 lrg can juice*

o large plastic food bags

o 1 box quick energy snacks

o 3 rolls paper towels

Week 12
First Aid Supplies

o Anti-diarrhea medicine

o Rubbing alcohol

o Latex gloves

o Ipecac syrup and activated charcoal

o Vitamins

Also: extra plastic baby bottles, formula and diapers, if needed.
To Do:
Also: extra eyeglasses, if needed.
To Do:
Also: saline solution and a contact lens case, if needed.
To Do:
Also: blankets or sleeping bag for each family member
To Do:
Also: sunscreen, if needed.
To Do:
Also: items for denture care, if needed.
To Do:
o Establish an out-of-state contact to call in case of emergency.
o Place a pair of shoes and a flashlight under your bed so that they are handy during an emergency.
o Send some of your favorite family photos (or copies) to family members out of state for safekeeping.
o Make photocopies of important papers and store safely.
o Store a roll of quarters or phone card for emergency phone calls.

o Go on a hunt with your family to find a pay phone near home.
o Take your family on a field trip to gas and water meter shut off valves. Show them what to do in an emergency.

Week 13
Hardware Store

o Whistle

o ABC fire extinguisher

o Pliers

o Vise grips

To Do:

Week 14
Grocery Store

o 1 can fruit*

o 1 can meat*

o 1 can vegetables*

o Paper plates

o Eating utensils

o Paper cups

To Do:

Week 15
Hardware Store

o Extra batteries

o Masking tape

o Hammer

o Assorted nails

o Wood screws

o “L” brackets to secure furniture to walls

To Do:

Week 16
Grocery Store

o 1 can meat*

o 1 can vegetables*

o heavy duty garbage bags

o Kleenex

o Quick energy snacks (raisins, granola bars)

To Do:

Week 17
Grocery Store

o Graham crackers

o Assorted plastic containers with lids

o Dry cereal

o Safety pins

To Do:

Week 18
Hardware Store

o “Child-proof” latches for your cupboards

o Double sided tape or Velcro-type fastener to secure moveable objects

To Do:

o Take a first aid/CPR class.
o Make a plan to check on a neighbor who might need help in an emergency.
o Brace shelves and cabinets.
o Find out if you have a neighborhood safety organization and join it!
o Arrange for a friend or neighbor to help your children if you are at work.
o Pack a “go-pack” in case you have to evacuate.

Week 19
Grocery Store

o Heavy duty garbage bags

o Quick energy snacks

(raisins, granola bars)

To Do:

Week 20
Hardware Store

o Camping or utility knife

o Extra radio batteries

Also: purchase an emergency escape ladder for second story bedrooms, if needed.

To Do:

Week 21
Hardware Store

o Heavy work gloves

o Disposable dust masks

o Screwdriver

o Plastic safety goggles

Week 22
Grocery Store

o Extra hand operated can opener

o 3 rolls paper towels

o FRS radios for each family member

Week 23
Hardware Store

o Battery powered camping lantern with extra battery or extra flashlights

o Weather Radio with Specific Area Messaging Encoder set for your County

Week 24
Grocery Store

o Large plastic food bags

o Plastic wrap

o Aluminum foil

o Have an earthquake, hurricane or tornado drill at home.
o Find out about your workplace disaster plans.

The Family Disaster Supplies Calendar is intended to help you prepare for disasters before they happen. Using the calendar, your family can assemble an emergency kit in the small steps over a six-month period. Check off each week as you gather the contents. Supplies may be stored all together in a large plastic garbage can or food may be kept on kitchen shelves. Remember to rotate your perishable supplies and change water every six months.

To get started:

Select foods based on your family’s needs and preferences. Pick low-salt, water-packed varieties when possible. Canned meats may include tuna, chicken, raviolis, chili, beef stew, Spam, corned beef, etc.

Information provided free by Mayes County Emergency Management (http://www.geocities.com/mccem)


Feel free to copy this for your friends and family

· Check your house for supplies that you already have on hand.

· Decide where you will store supplies.

· Meet with your family to plan.

· Explain how to prepare; explain when and how to respond.

· Discuss what to do if you need to evacuate.

· Practice your plan.